July 20, 2016 0 Comments
According to a study by the International Food Information Council Foundation, the majority of shoppers say taste has the biggest impact on their food choices — more than price, convenience, sustainability, or even nutrition. What that means for producers of grass-fed beef is that they can tout its nutritional and ecological superiority all day long, but if it doesn't taste good, people won’t eat it.
One of the biggest complaints about grass-fed beef is inconsistent taste and off flavors. The reality is, grass-fed beef can taste as good or even better than grain-fed beef — the difference comes down to three key variables: grass, grazing, and genetics.
If grass-fed beef doesn’t get the right forage – the perfect cocktail (as we call it) of mature grasses and legumes – it doesn’t always taste good. A lot of grass-fed cattle are raised in what’s called a “monoculture pasture” where the grasses are at a single root depth, and they draw their mineral content from only one layer of soil. The result is meat that can have a metallic flavor. However when grass-fed cattle are raised in multi-culture pastures, eating forage made up of a variety of grasses and legumes that provide a balanced mineral intake from multiple root depths, there is no metallic taste in the meat.
It’s not just the variety of things the cattle eat that matters. It also matters when they eat them. Grass-fed beef can have an off-flavor that tastes of liver or game when the cattle’s forage isn’t mature enough and contains too much protein and not enough carbohydrate (sugars). To prevent this, the forage can be measured for Brix. Without getting too scientific, Brix is a measurement of the sugars, amino acids, oils, proteins, flavonoids, minerals and other nutrients in a food. By monitoring Brix levels closely, the cattle can be brought to pasture for grazing when the forage is at optimum maturity, so they only eat the sweetest grass and have the best tasting meat.
Producing great-tasting grass-fed beef isn’t as simple as just switching to a grass-fed diet; you have to start with the right cattle. Most beef produced in America today comes from modern cattle that have been selectively bred to produce larger animals that finish well in a commercial feed lot; they just aren’t built for a grass-based diet. In fact, less than 5% of cattle genetics in the US will produce quality beef on grass.
Our Heritage Beef comes from true Aberdeen Angus cattle raised exclusively in multi-cultural pastures eating forage that is mature and sweet. Joyce Farms maintains a bloodline of this prized heritage Aberdeen Angus breed – the original Angus of 18th century Scotland.
There are a lot of different grass-fed beef producers out there, and it’s important to know that not all grass-fed beef is the same. At Joyce Farms, we go to these lengths because we’re just like you – if we’re going to eat our grass-fed beef (and we are), we want it to taste delicious (and it does).
July 15, 2016 0 Comments
Here's a sneak peak at our healthy, happy, heritage turkey poults! They're only 1 week old, but they're already feeling right home on our farms with lots of TLC from our dedicated farmers.
These special birds carry the heritage genetics of the traditional Spanish Black turkey, a slow-growing breed believed to be one of the first developed from Native American stocks. We raise them free range on our farms with nothing added, ever — no added hormones, steroids, antibiotics, or anything artificial.
June 16, 2016 0 Comments
Written By Dr. Allen Williams, Ph.D.
A champion of the grass-fed beef industry as well as cutting edge grazing methodology, Allen helps restore natural soil water retention and reduce runoff, increase land productivity, enhance plant and wildlife biodiversity, and produce healthier food. Learn more about Allen
It’s my privilege to serve on a number of industry boards and committees, including the board of directors for the Grassfed Exchange. The Grassfed Exchange is a volunteer, non-profit organization of regenerative ranchers and grassfed industry supporters that holds the largest grassfed industry conference held annually in the U.S.
Each year the Grassfed Exchange Conference brings together farmers, ranchers, industry professionals and experts, university personnel, and USDA personnel for the exchange of ideas and information through seminars, farm tours and educational presentations.
They also use the occasion to give out awards to the “best of the best” in our industry. The 2016 Grassfed Exchange Conference was held in Perry, GA on April 27-29, with attendees coming from 42 different states and 5 different countries. I’m proud to say that at that conference, Ron Joyce and Joyce Farms were unanimously selected as the Grassfed Exchange Distributor/Marketer/Retailer of the Year.
The purpose of these awards is to recognize and honor those who have made significant contributions to the production of good food and agricultural stewardship, and Joyce Farm’s dedication to offering the consumer not only healthy products that are good for the land, the animals, and us -- but also products that are tender and delicious – was one of the major reasons for their selection for this award.
In naming Ron Joyce and Joyce Farms the winners, the selection committee cited their 50+ years of contribution to regenerative agriculture, revitalization of the rural economy, production of high attribute proteins, and commitment to providing consumers with a healthy choice in grassfed beef and poultry.
Receiving this award is a significant achievement, and I’m delighted Ron and the team here were chosen. Working with them, I see their hard work and dedication to quality every day, and it’s nice to see it recognized by our peers. It’s also a compliment to Joyce Farms customers, because when you choose Joyce Farms products, you’re choosing the industry-recognized best there is.
May 25, 2016 0 Comments
The Joyce Farms Poultry Science Scholarship was established in 2007 to support students pursuing careers in agricultural science at NC State University. Each year, students from the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences submit applications and essays for consideration. One outstanding applicant is selected to receive $1,000 from Joyce Farms to help fund his or her education.
It’s a difficult task to choose just one from our many qualified candidates. We consider academic standing, past achievements, and demonstrated passion, skill, and determination.
This year, we are pleased to announce Ray Borzotra as the 2016-17 recipient of the Joyce Farms Poultry Science Scholarship!
Congratulations and best of luck to Ray and all of our impressive applicants!
Find information on how to apply for future scholarship consideration here.
April 26, 2016 0 Comments
Discover how genetics impact the flavor of meat and poultry. Learn why heritage breeds, with their superior genetic traits, offer a more flavorful and satisfying culinary experience compared to modern commercial breeds. Understand the importance of choosing heritage meat for your meals and the positive impact it has on sustainable farming practices.
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