All Joyce Farms products are raised with absolutely nothing added, EVER - no antibiotics, no growth stimulants, and nothing artificial.

We offer two different lines of meat and poultry products:


Our Heritage Line

The finest old-world heritage breeds,
raised on our small family farms.

We’ve found that genetics have a significant impact on flavor, and we have searched the world to find the very best old-world, slow-growing heritage breeds that can be traced back for generations and have a history of culinary excellence. We raise these animals on our partner farms with nothing added ever, with attention to animal welfare and environmental impact. As a result, meat from these animals is more flavorful and nutrient-dense. Our Heritage products are favorites among fine-dining chefs nationwide because they are simple to prepare and offer an outstanding and unforgettable eating experience.

Our Heritage program began with the Heritage Poulet Rouge® Chicken from France, and has grown to include Heritage Aberdeen Angus Beef from Scotland, Heritage Gloucestershire Old Spot Pork from England, Heritage Pintade (Guinea) from France, and a Heritage Black Turkey from Spain.

Our Heritage Poulet Rouge® Chicken, Heritage Aberdeen Angus Beef, Heritage GOS Pork, and Heritage Black Turkeys are raised according to the principles of our Honest with Nature™ Regenerative Agriculture program, which fosters soil health, helps to balance the carbon cycle, provides a better life for the animals, and ultimately produces more flavorful and nutrient-dense meat and poultry for you.

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Our Naked Line

Domestic breeds raised with nothing added ever,
sourced from trusted producers.

Our Naked products are carefully sourced from a network of producers that meet our rigorous requirements for raising standards and quality. These products come from domestic animal breeds raised on small family farms with nothing added EVER. They are inspected and hand-cut by skilled butchers at our facility to ensure maximum quality.

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